Simeon Panda is one of the most iconic figures in the
fitness industry. Born in the UK, he started lifting at the age of 16 after
seeing an older friend become more muscular. Once he started he fell in love
and kept pushing for progress. Simeon is now an aesthetic monster at the age of
26. He stands at a respectable size of 6’1” and 230lbs and at a low body fat
year round. Simeon has also always claimed he is natural, or “natty”, meaning
he has not taken any muscle enhancing drugs of any doses. Given his year round
low body fat and his large muscle mass, many people and rival fitness icons
claim that Simeon Panda is not natural. “Natty” or not, I respect Simeon and
agree with many that he has one of the most aesthetic bodies on the media right
now. If he has taken steroids, they would have been in small doses considering
that most fitness models are on small doses of steroids. I don’t know if he has
taken steroids or not, but I do know that this man puts everything he has in to
his workouts. He always lifts the heaviest he can and as many repetitions as he
can during every single set he does. His high-intensity, motivating workouts
can be seen on his YouTube channel. As of now his YouTube channel has 169,403
subscribers. I started following Simeon’s YouTube back when it was just about
70,000 subscribers, so I have observed his channel grow. His YouTube channel is
not as high of a priority as others due to his work in modeling, motivational
speaking, bodybuilding judging, advertising, and clothes line sale. Nonetheless
he uploads well directed and edited videos about every week. His videos vary
from instructional workouts and collaborations with other genuine fitness idols
to motivational speeches and videos. I have listened to what he has said and I
personally agree with a lot of what he has said. His “motto” is to always go
hard “every rep, every set because that is when it counts.” I believe this 100%;
mental and physical growth comes from you pushing yourself to the limit at all
times. Simeon is aesthetic lifter who loves to go heavy; he always pushes
himself to his max. I love his workouts and intensity, I agree with what he
says, and I believe he truly is a motivational lifter who can motivate anyone.
Simeon Panda’s YouTube channel is one of the best fitness channels.