“Six Pack
Shortcuts” is by far the most popular fitness channel on YouTube with 3,766,311
subscribers, 815 videos, and 504,319,339 total views. They claim that they will
show you, “how lose your belly fat, gain muscle, and get defined abs.” They
also state, “We upload home workouts, weightlifting workouts, nutrition videos,
and workout advice videos. We upload new videos twice a week.” Based on this, “Six
Pack Shortcuts” sounds like an amazing channel, one that meets everyone’s
goals, but I personally do not favor this channel over ones I have talked about
and ones I intend to talk about. This channel was created on December 1st
2009 by none other than Mike Chang. Chang began this channel himself with the
same mindset as many of the channels I do enjoy watching. Unfortunately over
time, the show became too popular too fast. Chang accepted sponsorships and
promotions from many different companies and people. Mike lost the goal of leading
his fans to reach their goals and began mostly being focused on the money. He continued
uploading videos but in every video he would promote and sell someone else’s
product; this ruins the channel when half of every single video is an advertisement.
Now Mike Chang is gone and “Six Pack Shortcuts” is led by head trainers Clark Shao, Jonny Catanzano, Nate Bran, and Henry Tran. Mike Chang has not been shown on the channel for five months. I am not sure if he left or was kicked out or if he will come back. I do know that he has his own channel called “Mike Chang” and has about 9,000 subscribers. He started it in September of 2015, right after he quit “Six Pack Shortcuts”. His new channel reminds me a lot of “Six Pack Shortcuts” back when it first started. He may have left because he realized the corporate channel it had become and still is. The channel now is of four different people uploading videos and not connecting with the fans. It is important for the person to be on a personal level with their fans the way Chang used to be. I don’t know what “Six Pack Shortcuts” will become, but I am excited to follow Mike Chang’s new channel.
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